Popcorn | Trillions Math Series


We’ve combined empowering activities and trillions math questions to create unique, inspiring lesson plans for your young scientists! Our lessons are also available on the SKIES platform.

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In order to make popcorn, you have to put corn kernels over heat. At first glance, corn kernels do not look like much, but once the kernels heat up, they pop open with a surprise: popcorn!

Just by looking at corn kernels, you wouldn’t know that they can turn into popcorn, just like how you may not always know everything about someone just by looking at them. Sometimes there may be things about you or about others that many people do not know about.

With your class, go around and share a surprising fact about yourself that you wish people knew about you.

There are so many things you can share with your class! Some examples of things you could share are your favorite activity, color, food, place, or school subject.

Now, you and your classmates know a little more about each other than you did before! Maybe you shared a hobby you enjoy, your favorite song, something about your personality, or something new you have been learning about.

Being vocal about these things gives us the opportunity to express ourselves and have self-confidence. Learning about the people around you not only allows for better communication, but also allows you to take charge and be proud of yourself.


Fill in the blank

It takes Americans almost _______ years to eat one-trillion cups of popped popcorn

Hint: Americans eat about 17.3 billion quarts of popped popcorn per year, and there are four cups per quart

You can find a conversion sheet at the bottom of the page
