Leaving on a Jet Plane | Trillions Math Series


We’ve combined empowering activities and trillions math questions to create unique, inspiring lesson plans for your young scientists! Our lessons are also available on the SKIES platform.

To view this lesson on SKIES, use the code 1hpxot6.


Imagine we are traveling the world. Each country has a unique culture, and throughout the world, there are many different languages that are spoken.

On the worksheet, you will find ways to say hello in several different languages. Maybe there is even someone in your class that speaks another language.

Click on the worksheet to print, or draw on your own paper.

With your class, practice saying “hello” in each of the languages on the worksheet.

Learning other languages is one way that we can begin to connect with people both inside and outside our communities.

While it is important to be proud of our own identities and cultures, it is also important to embrace and learn about the identities and cultures of others. This can help bring people closer together and become more understanding of the people that surround us.



Fill in the blank

With a trillion gallons of jet fuel, a 747 airplane can fly the distance equal to the sun and back, _______ times. And would have to refuel _______ times


A Boeing 747-300 airplane has a fuel capacity of 52,410 gallons, and can fly and maximum of 7,700 miles.

The distance to the sun is 92.9 million (92,900,000) miles.

You can find a conversion sheet at the bottom of the page
