Pins | Trillions Math Series


We’ve combined empowering activities and trillions math questions to create unique, inspiring lesson plans for your young scientists! Our lessons are also available on the SKIES platform.

To view this lesson on SKIES, use the code q2a56c.


Imagine you are making a doll version of yourself…

You need to sew together different pieces of fabric to make your doll. Each piece of fabric represents a unique aspect of yourself!

Click on the worksheet to print, or draw on your own paper.

On the worksheet, there are five big squares. In each one, write down something about yourself— what makes you unique and special?

Now you have written down five of the many wonderful things about you!

These squares are the “pieces” used to make your doll. All of your traits and abilities can be “sewn” together to form your doll, and to form you!

It is important to recognize these parts of ourselves and see how they work together as a whole to make us who we are.

Not everyone's doll will be the same, but that is because we are all unique in our own way, and that is what makes us so special and is something to be proud of!



Fill in the blank

Take one-trillion sewing pins and place them so that they stick to the ground and their heads touch, side-by-side, to create a straight walkway 3 feet wide. The path will stretch from Los Angeles, California to _________

Hint: 1 mile is equal to 5280 feet

To go from mm-squared to feet-squared, divide by 92,903.04

The average sewing pin has a head that is about 2mm in diameter, but it might help to assume that the pin heads are square not round

The distance from Los Angeles, California…

to Las Vegas, Nevada is 278 miles

to Denver, Colorado is 1,019 miles

to St. Louis, Missouri is 1,825 miles

to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is 2,709 miles

to Bangor, Maine is 3,215 miles

You can find a conversion sheet at the bottom of the page
