As of December 2021, we have delivered over 450 presentations at 28 schools,
Boundless Brilliance utilizes a college chapter model enabling the simultaneous empowerment of elementary school students and our college student volunteers.
Beginning at age six, elementary school students are told directly that
they are brilliant and their potential is boundless.
Thus, they are empowered to believe in their abilities and are exposed to a hands-on science experiment.
Additionally, Boundless Brilliance provides a platform for growth for college student volunteers. College students gain hands-on professional experience, build their resumes, and develop their public speaking and presentation skills.
“Boundless brilliance abounds throughout our world, yet seldom is it harvested within an embryonic environment. That the women engaged in this organization bring skill, passion, and strategy to everything they deliver excites me as a professional, as a world citizen, and as a woman. The world has boundless opportunity as long as Boundless Brilliance thrives.” Janice Bryant Howroyd, founder and chief executive officer of The ActOne Group, the largest privately held, minority-woman-owned personnel company founded in the U.S.
“It's an uncomfortable thought, but our society still sees genius as a male trait. This means that many young women are still not seen as smart enough for ‘genius fields’ such as those in STEM. This is why organizations like Boundless Brilliance are essential: By addressing gender stereotypes early in development, Boundless Brilliance makes it easier for girls to imagine a future in STEM and to persist even when others put up obstacles in their way.” Andrei Cimpian, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, New York University,
"We partnered with Boundless Brilliance to initiate the mentoring program to connect Boundless Brilliance volunteers with leaders that can help navigate career paths, teach leadership skills, discuss strategies to overcome professional challenges and provide a support network across scientific communities. Mentoring programs like this help give back to the community of volunteers and provide additional leadership opportunities to mentors and mentees. These relationships are a crucial component in efforts to accelerate diversity at every level of STEM, from educators to executive decision makers."
Jasmine Gruia-Gray: Chief Executive Officer, Leinco Technologies
Wendy Hartsock: Director of Scientific Acceleration, CEM Corporation
“Boundless Brilliance is important to me because it demonstrates that from a young age, girls are influenced by society to think differently about themselves. By raising awareness about gender inequity in the STEM field, we can begin to address the systemic issues that may dissuade young girls from pursuing a career in STEM as well as other fields. By presenting at elementary schools, we create relationships with not only young children, but also the system designed to educate them. From there, we can work towards changing how both children and adults think about gender inequity in not only STEM, but all fields." Emily Liang, Occidental College
"There were many points along my path when I genuinely felt like giving up on science and chemistry, and after reflecting I realized a large part of those feelings are due to the stereotype of science being exclusive and gendered. I know that since I had those feelings, there are many other young kids and teens who feel the same way about giving up on their ambitions to pursue STEM. Because of that, I feel responsible for encouraging every student that I can to recognize their potential and to follow through with their ambitions. My privilege as a college student and as a member of Boundless Brilliance puts me in a position where I am able to help other students feel empowered to assert their presence in STEM fields." Cheyenne Orozco, Occidental College
"Boundless Brilliance is important to me because it gives me an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of youth and encourage them to follow their dreams. By cultivating a platform that brings awareness to the issue of gender inequity, we contribute to creating positive change in the field of STEM" Avantika Mitbander, Arizona State University
"The experience of presenting has made me significantly more conscious of the way I talk and think about intelligence, both when I am speaking to children and to adults, and when I talk and think about myself. Being part of Boundless Brilliance has made me constantly challenge myself to adopt its mission and challenge the preconceptions I hold about my own abilities and potential, and has inspired me to continue to grow." Ellen Prince, Occidental College
“Boundless Brilliance is important to me because it gives girls a chance to pursue a career in STEM by encouraging them to believe in themselves and follow their passion and curiosity. Our presentations help give young girls early exposure to STEM which isn’t always taught in schools. This organization gives me hope for the future in lessening the gender gap in the currently male-dominated field. Our organization also helps college students get early exposure to teaching, planning, and outreach; all of which are leadership skills necessary for the future. Personally, Boundless Brilliance has given me an opportunity to strengthen my organizational and public speaking skills and has encouraged me to keep pursuing STEM as it can be very discouraging being surrounded by male-dominant peers.” Em Schissler, Occidental College
from our teachers & students
“Boundless Brilliance helps girls look at science like, 'Hey, I can do this!' The Boundless Brilliance presenters are girls that have achieved amazing things and it makes me believe that I can achieve amazing things too.” Avni Koppula, Elementary School Student
“I really liked the enthusiasm and the positive message the presenters had. The ... presenters were very positive role models for girls to become involved in science. The presenters used language that was academically and age appropriate for my students.” Teacher, Eagle Rock Elementary
"Thank you for sharing. These experiences are so helpful during distant learning times!!" Teacher, Buchanan Elementary School
“I appreciate you sharing your passion for STEM with my students. Your presentation was well-organized. I hope we can be included in your future plans to share your expertise.” Teacher, Eagle Rock Elementary
"The topic was interesting and appropriate to the age group. The experiment was also appropriate. The level of questioning was just right for their level when they were asked to recall information. Both presenters were very patient and fair to all the students. Thank you for your presentation." Teacher, Dalton Elementary School
"The lessons were phenomenal. I am so looking forward to scheduling more presentations in the future." Teacher, Jackson STEM Dual Language Magnet Academy
““I would like to be remembered as someone who was not afraid to do what she wanted to do, and as someone who took risks along the way in order to achieve her goals.””