Hydrogen Atoms | Trillions Math Series


We’ve combined empowering activities and trillions math questions to create unique, inspiring lesson plans for your young scientists! Our lessons are also available on the SKIES platform.

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Hydrogen is one of the many elements. A lot of the time, hydrogen atoms will bond to atoms of other elements in order to form different substances.

For example, two hydrogen atoms bond with one oxygen atom to form H2O, which we call water. Just like how hydrogen atoms work with oxygen atoms, people are also able to work together and collaborate.

With your class, imagine you are all stuck on a deserted island. There are 5 different items you can choose from: a rope, a bucket, a box of matches, fruit seeds, and a tent.

You can only choose one item as a class; discuss with your classmates. Which item would you choose, and why? 

It is likely that not everyone will agree on the same item— that is why it is so important to communicate and collaborate effectively with others.

Working together with other people is not always easy, so when we can sit down and discuss different ideas, we create the opportunity to hear other people’s perspectives. By listening and working with others, we are able to challenge our own ideas, and by working together, we can even make new ideas!


Fill in the blank

If a trillion hydrogen atoms are stacked, the pile will approximately rise to the height of a _______ story building

Hint: One hydrogen atom has a diameter equal to 0.00000005mm, and each story of a building is about 10 feet tall.

You can find a conversion sheet at the bottom of the page
