I Cannot Tell A Lie | Trillions Math Series


We’ve combined empowering activities and trillions math questions to create unique, inspiring lesson plans for your young scientists! Our lessons are also available on the SKIES platform.

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For cherries to grow, seeds need to be planted. You too can plant seeds of your own by making goals. We all have goals and aspirations that we strive towards, and it is important to not only encourage ourselves to reach these goals, but also to be supportive of others’ goals.

Do you have a goal for yourself today, a week from now, or in a year?

Click on the worksheet to print, or draw on your own paper.

On the worksheet, write down some of your goals; these do not have to be big goals. If you want to, feel free to share one of your goals with the class.

Sometimes it may feel as though our goals are hard to accomplish, but taking the time to write them down can help you stay motivated and grow in your confidence.

Just like how seeds need to be nourished and cared for to help them grow, you also need to be nourished and cared for so you can accomplish your goals. Everyone has their own way of setting goals, but it can be helpful to have a support system to encourage you, such as friends or family. 



Fill in the blank

With a trillion cherries you could bake _______ pies. To grow that many cherries in one season, you will have to plant an area of land larger than the state of _______ .


Hint: The average cherry pie contains 250 cherries

The average cherry tree grows 7,000 cherries

Farmers can grow about 140 cherry trees per acre of land

1 square mile = 640 acres

You can find a conversion sheet at the bottom of the page
