Eggs | Trillions Math Series


We’ve combined empowering activities and trillions math questions to create unique, inspiring lesson plans for your young scientists! Our lessons are also available on the SKIES platform.

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Did you know that eggs come in all sorts of colors, shapes, and sizes? People are also unique, just like eggs!

Find a group of people to work with, and take a look at these pictures below of all the different types of eggs!

Click on the worksheet to the right to print, or draw on your own paper.

With your group, discuss and find ways that you can group together certain eggs. This could be based on their shape, color, patterns, texture, and more! On the worksheet, write down at least two different ways you sorted the eggs. 

After you have sorted the eggs, take some time to discuss with your group and write down on the worksheet how this type of sorting and categorizing happens among people in real life. 

At school, there are people that come from all different backgrounds, identities, and abilities, and it is important to identify these differences so that we can all learn to embrace and value them!



Fill in the blank

it would take 240 million “laying” hens almost ________ years to produce one trillion eggs.

Hint: There are about 240 million laying hens in the United States, and they produce about 50 billion eggs each year.

You can find a conversion sheet at the bottom of the page
