Why Great Leadership Means a Life of Learning

Great leadership means a life of learning. Find out why in our second wonderful guest contribution from Jenna Sherman of Parent-Leaders!

If you really want to be a leader in your community and beyond—one who inspires the best in others and stands the test of time—learning must be a priority for the rest of your life. Thomas Jefferson, Amelia Earhart, and Nelson Mandela knew this. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Melinda Gates, and Oprah Winfrey know it, too. 

Chances are that any influential leader in the world—and in your neighborhood, for that matter—strives to grow their knowledge and skills on a daily basis in one form or another. As empowering young leaders is a primary goal here at Boundless Brilliance, we take the principle of lifelong learning very seriously! Here are some reasons why it’s so important, as well as how you can achieve it:

The Importance of Lifelong Learning

There are many benefits to adopting a lifestyle of learning, such as:

  • It allows you to improve the leadership strengths you already have.

  • It introduces you to new knowledge and skills, which broadens your scope for leading and can add fulfillment to your life. 

  • It helps you connect on a deeper level with people from all walks of life. 

  • It improves your job mobility and retention, which can help you secure a more prominent platform for influence. 

Key Strategies 

Learning comes in many forms, especially when it spans a lifetime. Here are a few time-tested strategies you can utilize to sustain long-term growth:

  • Schedule time each day to learn something new, whether it’s getting to know individuals or groups in your community or furthering your knowledge of the industry you’re working in. 

  • Go back to school to earn a master’s degree, which can help grow your knowledge and skills, improve your career prospects, and expand your influence. 

  • Embrace self-learning by finding a mentor, becoming a mentor, reading leadership books, and attending seminars. 

  • Keep your study materials and notes organized by using productivity apps

  • Stay dedicated to learning; apply focus and discipline even when you don’t feel like it. 

Personal Care

To remain a motivated and productive learner, you have to take care of your overall health and well-being.  

  • Structure each day so that you get seven to nine hours of sleep.

  • Eat a nutritious diet that provides you the energy you need.

  • Maintain a solid exercise routine that boosts your self-confidence and helps to clear your mind. 

  • Incorporate relaxing activities into your daily routine, whether it’s meditation, reading fiction, watching a movie with the family, or doing anything else that gives you a physical and mental break from work and studying. 

If leadership was easy, everyone would do it. Becoming a truly inspiring leader in your community and world will require you to embrace the concept of lifelong learning and practice it consistently. While the tips and resources here can get you off to a great start, remember to keep researching and figuring out how you can best structure your life for nonstop learning! 

Looking for more resources to empower and inspire your young scientist? Check out our workbook full of exciting science experiments and empowering activities! 

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