Ready, Set, Learn! Tips to Keep Kids Engaged While Learning Online

Written by Jillian Kuo

One of the most difficult aspects of transitioning to online learning is keeping students engaged and interested in the material you are teaching. Many students are at home adapting to a new learning environment, and some may be restless from sitting in front of their computer all day.

This summer, I had the wonderful experience of working with some students during our Summer Academy, a four week program designed to introduce K-6 scholars to various fields of science such as medicine and computer science. 

So what works??

Here are some tried and true tips that any educator or parent can use to keep their students engaged.

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Incorporate hands-on experiences!

The students were the most engaged when they had something tangible to focus on.

In this way, they were actively participating in the class demonstrations.

Explore our Brilliant Blog to find home-friendly science experiments and empowering activities for students of all ages.

Ask a lot of questions!

Instead of just passively listening, students are encouraged to absorb the material and reiterate the material they are learning.

Ask different types of questions — you can have them repeat what you taught them in their own words, or you can have them apply their knowledge to a new situation.

Connect class content to your student’s lives!

Each student is unique in their upbringings.

Introduce different books or people that come from a variety of backgrounds and encourage students to compare what they’re learning to their own experiences.

Check out our book recommendations here!

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Be enthusiastic!

Don’t be afraid to be over-the-top excited!

The students are aware of your energy and will reciprocate the level of enthusiasm that you bring to the learning environment.

Students will sense your passion and become excited about the lesson too.

Be flexible!

As much as we would like our students to behave respectfully at all times, kids are kids. Not only that, but distractions are inevitable and each student’s learning space is different.

You may need to take a break, stretch, or even just dance around a bit to avoid the monotony of looking at a screen.

Pro Tip: Try moving your “desk” to different spaces inside the house throughout the day or week!

A change of scenery can make a BIG difference.

Above all, don’t give up!

Some days may be more difficult than others, but the effort is worth it. Many of my students would finish their lesson excited and ready for more. Fostering this enthusiasm in our students will only help them to grow to be life-long learners.

Do you have any other tips that work for you? Please share in the comments below!!

Looking for more resources to empower and inspire your young scientist? Check out our workbook full of exciting science experiments and empowering activities! 

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