How Far Can A Trillion Dollars Take You? | Trillions Math Series


We’ve combined empowering activities and trillions math questions to create unique, inspiring lesson plans for your young scientists! Our lessons are also available on the SKIES platform.

To view this lesson on SKIES, use the code us9386.


Have you ever tried to build a tower as tall as you can using things such as blocks, pillows, cards, and maybe even sand? Each individual piece plays a role in the tower. Maybe it helps to keep the tower sturdy, or maybe it adds to the design of the tower. Either way, each piece is important.

In a way, you are similar to these towers. Think of your accomplishments as some of your own building blocks. Everyday we accomplish something, whether it be something big or small, and these things are all valuable and play an important role in making us who we are. It can be easy to focus on the mistakes we have made, or the negative aspects in our lives, so take this moment to focus on the positive things in your life.

On the worksheet, there are many different bricks for you to write in.

Click on the worksheet to print, or draw on your own paper.

In each of the bricks on the worksheet, write down an accomplishment of yours.

By physically writing down your accomplishments, you can better recognize the many achievements you have made. No matter how big or small your achievements are, they are significant and valued.

Taking the time to self-reflect is important not only to give attention to all the wonderful things you have done, but also helps to create a more positive mindset.  



Fill in the blank

If you stack one-trillion one-dollar bills, the stack will be over ______ miles high

Hint: The dimensions of a United States dollar bill are 6.14” long by 2.61” wide by 0.0043” thick

You can find a conversion sheet at the bottom of the page

Fun Fact: The distance to the moon is 238,857 miles and the International Space Station orbits at a height of about 217 miles.
