Growing Future Leaders: Great Resources for Parents of Girls

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We are excited to introduce our first guest contributor, Jenna Sherman!

Jenna created  Parent-Leaders  to be all about what parents can do to make sure their children grow up to be strong, independent, successful adults.

By providing a collection of valuable, up-to-date, authoritative resources, she hopes to help other parents acquire the skills they need to raise future leaders. Jenna is mom to three children: two girls and a boy. From her experiences, Jenna has compiled these four amazing resources to help other parents raising girls.

These resources are meant to help you encourage, empower, and engage your girls. Together, we can empower the next generation of leaders!

Leadership is a trait often associated with men. Unfortunately, for young girls, this can make it challenging for them to see themselves as leaders. As a result, many women and girls don’t pursue leadership roles — and when they do, they come up against barriers that hold them back.

For parents who want to raise future leaders, it’s not enough to teach daughters they can accomplish whatever they set their minds to. Rather, raising girls who dare to lead requires overcoming unconscious biases, and teaching girls the practical skills they need to succeed.

Here are four resources parents can use to raise

girls who are ready to lead.

Leadership Traits Every Girl Should Develop

It’s not enough to inspire young girls. Parents also have to instill in their daughters the personality traits necessary to succeed in leadership roles. While every leader has her own style, these are three traits that every leader needs:

  • Integrity is arguably the most important trait for any leader. Parents can teach integrity by talking about values and how to live in accordance with them.

  • Courage is an important skill, especially for female leaders who have to stand up against the status quo. Parents should encourage girls to try new things, even if they’re not sure they’ll succeed.

  • While girls should have the courage to pursue their dreams, they shouldn’t be foolhardy about it. Teach daughters the importance of vigilance, self-reflection, and evaluation so they can be confident that they are on the right path.

Practical Leadership Skills for Girls

It takes more than the right personality to lead. Girls also need practical skills, like public speaking and decision-making, in order to succeed in leadership roles. Here are strategies parents can use to develop the skills their daughters need to succeed in leadership.

  • Foster negotiation skills: Teach kids the art of compromise by letting them negotiate for the things they want. Requiring kids to make a case for their requests is also a great way to practice confident communication.

  • Let kids take the lead: Whether you’re planning dinner or your next family vacation, let your daughter spearhead planning to teach project management skills.

  • Enroll in team activities: Girls also need a chance to put leadership skills to the test with their peer group. Scouting groups, sports, band, and summer camps are great places for girls to gain confidence as leaders.

Strong Female Leaders to Inspire Girls

Before girls can see themselves as leaders, they need to see leaders who look like them. While there are lots of influential female leaders out there, from Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Serena Williams, these books by female leaders are the most likely to inspire young girls:

Stories to Read Your Young Leader

Even before they’re old enough to read on their own, girls are influenced by stories of courageous women. Parents can help girls see themselves as leaders from an early age by reading stories of both real-life and fictional female protagonists. These books feature tales of female bravery, persistence, and self-expression that will resonate with young readers.

From overcoming unconscious bias to developing the practical skills needed to lead, raising female leaders can feel like an uphill battle. But for parents and their daughters, it’s a fight worth fighting. By teaching girls that they have what it takes to lead, you will inspire confidence in your daughter and make it a little bit easier for the next generation of future female leaders.

Comment below what resources you liked and feel free to add more resources to share! Together, we can empower the next generation of female leaders!

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